Our vision

Accelerate delivery of Paris-aligned ambition across high-emitting sectors to keep the world’s 1.5 degree global warming limit for this century within reach.

Our mission

We galvanise leadership across industry, finance and governments, to overcome challenges of decarbonisation in six key high-emitting industry and transport sectors:
  •  Aluminium
  • Cement
  • Chemicals
  • Steel
  • Aviation
  • Shipping

Over 3 years (2024-2026) we aim to:

Unlock investment in commercial-scale low/zero-carbon industrial projects, leveraging existing initiatives in service of real-economy projects

Foster cross-sector and cross-cutting collaboration on how to tackle challenges to speed up the deployment of key decarbonisation solutions

Share lessons learned to push key sectors towards tipping points in the adoption of decarbonisation solutions

Measuring our success

Today’s pipeline of announced decarbonisation projects falls short of where we need to be by 2030.

In our mission to unlock investment in commercial-scale low/zero-carbon projects, success will be measured tangibly:
  • # of new projects announced
  • # of announced projects progressing towards FID
  • # of announced projects reaching FID
  • Potential CO2 emissions avoided by 2030 and 2040. 

We are tracking the project pipeline at two levels:
  • 30-40 flagship projects directly supported by ITA
  • Global projects indirectly supported



The ITA has three Co-Chairs who collectively guide the Leadership Council and act by consensus. They provide final confirmation of the ITA’s workstreams and its focus and comprise Minister for Industry and Advanced Technology of the UAE and COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell and UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions Michael R. Bloomberg.

Leadership Council

Our Leadership Council, headed by the Co-Chairs, is formed of more than 20 senior leaders from across climate, finance and industry. The Council meets twice per year at minimum to set the ITA’s priorities, asses its progress, and maximise impact in the real economy.


Mission Possible Partnership hosts the ITA secretariat, and its CEO, Faustine Delasalle, is ITA Executive Director. The Secretariat provides day-to-day delivery of the ITA, driving and organising its workstreams and engaging partners, governments, the financial sector and wider industry as needed.