ITA Standards Map

Industrial decarbonisation is happening

but not at the pace or scale required to stay in line with global climate targets  

The ITA Standards Map Tool is designed as an accessible point of entry into the standards landscape and provides a useful overview for:  
  • National and regional policymakers 
  • Buyers of the relevant industrial products, particularly those looking for low-emissions alternatives
  • Producers of the relevant industrial products 
  • Financiers and investors, particularly those looking to invest in low-emissions industrial projects 
  • International, regional, and national standard-setters, both for the products in scope as well as industrial products more broadly  
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Standards – and specifically sustainability standards for lower-carbon versions of commoditised products – are critical, as they give stakeholders the assurance that the products they’re buying and investing in do indeed create the positive impact that they state they will.   

Policymakersinvestorsbuyers, and producers need standards to determine and evidence the credentials of low-emissions industrial goods to take the action required to drive the industrial transition forward.  

The ITA Standards Map Tool

Focused on highlighting progress towards the creation of comprehensive and fit-for-purpose standards for each product, covering:  

  • Methodologies for accounting product lifecycle emissions.  
  • Definitions for determining if a product is ‘low-emissions’.  
  • Certification systems that evidence lifecycle emissions and demonstrate compliance with these definitions.  
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