We are working to increase the number of commercial-scale deep decarbonisation projects reaching Final Investment Decision (FID) across industry, to get them up and running by 2030 and contributing to emissions reductions in line with the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.
Four key challenges currently prevent the rapid deployment of decarbonisation solutions in heavy-emitting sectors:

Scaling up and reducing the cost of energy decarbonisation solutions (renewables, hydrogen, carbon capture);

Low premium demand for green commodities and services;

A lack of supportive policy frameworks for both supply and demand across multiple jurisdictions; and,

Few appropriate de-risking and financing vehicles for investments.

The ITA brings together a rich landscape of existing initiatives to accelerate collective efforts and drive speed and scale of delivery to meet Paris-aligned climate targets. 

The ITA will fast track progress by focusing on two primary pillars of work, which provide the greatest scope for impact based on pre-existing gaps:

Targeted project support

Working in partnership with governments to provide tailored support for projects in critical sectors and key regions

Conditions for investment

Shaping a better economic environment to drive investment in projects on a global scale

These workstreams are mutually reinforcing and underpinned by our ongoing monitoring of the global project pipeline MPP’s Global Project Tracker.

Targeted Project Support

To support a portfolio of deep decarbonisation projects in critical regions in our six core sectors – aluminum, cement, chemicals, steel, aviation and shipping, we are currently establishing partnerships with national governments. Through these we will mobilise domestic and international industry, energy, demand, and finance players to progress a pipeline of projects. 

Over the next 2-3 years, the goal is to move these projects towards Final Investment Decision (FID). We are prioritising emerging and developing countries, and tailoring the work in each region to deploy the most appropriate solutions. 

We are pleased to announce our first country partnership with Brazil:
Learn more and get involved.

for Investment

We are working to strengthen the economic conditions that will drive investment decisions on commercial-scale decarbonisation projects globally. By growing the adoption of critical policy, value chain and finance solutions, we can get funding flowing into projects.

Building upon existing initiatives, we will broaden and promote the conclusions of decarbonisation projects through our expansive multistakeholder network to encourage further up-take and faster progress.

We focus on three areas

Critical policy levers: we are identifying the changes required to accelerate deep-decarbonisation projects, focussing on demand-stimulating interventions and carbon pricing.

Green Demand Policy Playbook: intended to inform and support domestic policy making. It sets out a range of policy measures available to governments to stimulate demand for low- and near-zero-carbon products.

Low-emissions product standards: we are supporting the development and harmonisation of international low-emissions product standards for six critical industrial goods: aluminium, ammonia, cement, jet fuel, methanol and steel.

Standards Map: provides a high-level overview of existing and developing standard definitions of low emissions products to help determine those fit for purpose, identify areas for harmonisation and encourage their adoption by governments and individual buyers.   Developed in partnership with RMI. .

The tool covers:

  • Emissions accounting methodologies
  • Low-emissions product definitions
  • Certification systems

Standards Map

Offtake de-risking: we are identifying new and existing solutions to support heavy industries to secure access to clean energy, and secure buyers of their low/zero emission products.

Green Purchase Toolkit: bringing together the tools and instruments that facilitate and de-risk purchase of green products for buyers, such as buyers’ platforms, market intermediaries and innovative insurance mechanisms.  Developed in partnership with WBCSD. 

Progress Tracking

MPP’s Global Project Tracker informs the ITA’s work and helps us to track progress. The tool maps announcements, investment decisions, and operations of net-zero-aligned industrial projects across heavy-emitting sectors. Analysis of its data shows where projects are accelerating towards FID and what is driving the progress, including insights on policy and financial levers, and industrial clusters.